

Atlas Copco compressor spare Services izingxenye Drain kit Ergonomics and Safety

Incazelo emfushane:

Uma ufuna i-Atlas Copco compressor spare Services parts Drain kit Ergonomics and Safety, i-Seadweer iyi-compressor yomoya ephezulu ye-Atlas Copco kanye nezingxenye zesuphamakethe e-China, sikunikeza izizathu ezintathu zokuthenga ngokuzethemba:

1. [Okoqobo] Sithengisa izingxenye zangempela kuphela, ezinesiqinisekiso sangempela esingu-100%.

2. [Ochwepheshe]Sihlinzeka ngosekelo lobuchwepheshe futhi singabuza amamodeli wempahla, uhlu lwezingxenye, amapharamitha, izinsuku zokulethwa, isisindo, usayizi, izwe lendabuko, ikhodi ye-HS, njll.

3. [Isaphulelo] Sinikeza isaphulelo sika-40% ezinhlotsheni ezingu-30 zezingxenye ze-compressor yomoya isonto ngalinye, futhi intengo ephelele iphansi ngo-10-20% kunezinye izinhlobo zabahwebi noma abaphakathi.

Imininingwane Yomkhiqizo

Omaka bomkhiqizo


Atlas Copco compressor spare Services izingxenye Drain kit Ergonomics and Safety
. Imodeli esebenzayo: I-Atlas Copco ga 160 compressor
. Igama lomkhiqizo: I-Spare Drain
. Ikhwalithi yomkhiqizo: 100% izingxenye zangempela
. Inombolo yengxenye: 1622379881T 2202815906 1621317780 1621317781
. Igama Brand: Atlas Copco
. Inani: Kuyaxoxiswa
. Isikhathi sokuthumela: Izinsuku zokusebenza ze-5-15

Izingxenye ezisele ze-Atlas Copco Drain (1)

Olunye uhlu lwezingxenye ze-Air Compressor

6222113300 ISEMBOZO YE-SHROUD NV 2/3 6222-1133-00
6222113400 I-SHROUD NV 2/3 6222-1134-00
6222310100 I-BAGUE DE FROTTEMENT 6222-3101-00
6222524300 I-VILEBREQUIN N6 6222-5243-00
6222525300 I-PIGNON ARBRE 38 DENTS RLR 150 6222-5253-00
6222525400 I-PIGNON 33 DENTS RLR 150 6222-5254-00
6222525700 I-PIGNON ARBRE 42 DENTS RLR 150 6222-5257-00
6222525800 I-PIGNON 33 DENTS RLR 150 6222-5258-00
6222629100 I-CONROD B4000 6222-6291-00
6222629200 I-CONROD B5000 6222-6292-00
6222629300 I-CONROD B6000 6222-6293-00
6222629400 I-CONROD B7000 6222-6294-00
6222629500 I-CONROD NS39 6222-6295-00
6222629600 I-CONROD NS59 6222-6296-00
6222725900 UKUTHWALA UHAFU 31 X 80 X 22 6222-7259-00
6222726000 UKUTHWALA UHAFU 35 X 32 X 27 6222-7260-00
6222726100 I-HALFBEARING 33 X 30 X 27 6222-7261-00
6222726200 I-HALFBEARING 38X35X32 90 6222-7262-00
6222726300 I-HP GUDGEON PIN 25X56 NS59_89 6222-7263-00
6222726400 I-HP GUDGEON PIN NS 30 6222-7264-00
6222726500 I-LP GUDGEON PIN 20X94 NS30-35 6222-7265-00
6222726600 I-LP GUDGEON PIN 25X116 NS59-89 6222-7266-00
6222726700 I-ASTINA SATTIOLIO B94/29/30/39 6222-7267-00
6222726800 I-SPINOTTO 15 X 50 FORO 10 6222-7268-00
6222726900 I-PIN 18 X 42 6222-7269-00
6222727000 I-PIN 18 X 85 6222-7270-00
6222727100 I-PIN 18 X 95 6222-7271-00
6222727200 I-PIN 18X45 6222-7272-00
6222727300 I-PIN 20 X 50 6222-7273-00
6222727400 I-PIN 25 X 120 6222-7274-00
6222727500 I-PIN 25X56 6222-7275-00
6222727600 I-PISTON 105 PIN 18 6222-7276-00
6222727700 I-PIN 110 PIN 20 6222-7277-00
6222727800 I-PIN 135 PIN 25 6222-7278-00
6222728000 I-PIN 55 PIN 18 6222-7280-00
6222728100 I-PIN 60 PIN 15 6222-7281-00
6222728200 I-PISTON 60 PIN 20 6222-7282-00
6222728300 I-PISTON 70 PIN 25 6222-7283-00
6222728400 I-PISTON 95 PIN 18 6222-7284-00
6222728500 I-PIN 20 X 100 6222-7285-00
6222804500 Izembe PIston D 18 6222-8045-00
6222916500 CYLINDRE D 50 6222-9165-00
6222923600 I-CYLINDER F1/221 6222-9236-00
6222924100 I-CYLINDER B 7000 6222-9241-00
6223019000 IKHANDA ND 6223-0190-00
6223200500 I-CLAPET ASP REF 0 36 6223-2005-00
6223204400 GR.PIATRA VALV.F1/D1 LAM.0 25 6223-2044-00
6223301800 ISIHLOMELO 0 36 6223-3018-00
6223907000 I-LEXAN X PLATEFOM 6223-9070-00
6223907100 Ilogo ye-DECAL CECCATO L=780 6223-9071-00

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